Support us
We need your help.
Setting up a regular donation helps us plan ahead and provide the most effective support for people living with mental illness and their family.
Sponsoring or part sponsoring a family can make a huge difference to improving the quality of life of those living with mental illness and the entire family unit. It costs approximately £1200 to support a family of up to six people through our family work programme, £325 for one family member to attend Mental Health First Aid training, and £3900 to sponsor an entire MHFA course for 12 family members.
After taking care of your family and friends, even a small amount can make a huge impact to people affected by mental illness for generations to come.
From running 5K to holding a charity ball, there’s no end of options if you want to create your own fundraiser.
By providing free services or volunteering your time you can support us to transform the lives of people living with mental illness. Focus UP are always looking for volunteers with lived experience of mental illness to support their work.